Tuesday, March 22, 2011

i'm adding something

i guess i have to explain more about
that is the only chapter that
i've learned in the class..
it's ok what..
if not,there is nothing that i want to share..
please be thankful to Allah Almighty

back to the topic..(-.-)
regarding to my lovely textbook,
we can classify this LARGE database 
into 4 types..
actually, i don't really know how many types of it..
as  i'm only referring  to the textbook..

i'll be providing more links later on if 
you guys really want to know more.
those 4 types are
  1. individual
  2. company
  3. distributed
  4. commercial
if shortening our lesson today because
i believe no one ever like to study a lot in 1 time..
so, let me just explain about those 2 at the top..

~ be more specific, it is primarily used by just 1 person..
see..that is what is the meaning of individual itself..
~all of the data are stored in user's hard disk drive..
so, try checking out on your own okay..?
~ many students familiar with these especially when we have to do a survey..
of course we need to save a lot of data right..

(somekind of data)
see (0....0)
just a simple term right..?

next, we proceed to the....
~create database for their own use..means, all of the information regarding
the company are stored on their own
~ normally, the database are manage by database administrator.
can guess why..? of course there are a lot of it..so, someone need to manage it..

so, i've thought about very2 simple one about
this type of database..
try click the link provided..
hope you guys will learn more..


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