Wednesday, April 13, 2011

for the last touch up!

What you guys get from this course..?
I get a lot of info..(o0)
Hehe..i’m serious..i don’t lie ok..
So far, I’m really interested in
improving the technology..

because I believed that my life
is currently depending on it..
that is why I’m taking this course..
I’m babbling around...>.<

Actually, I want to talk about chapter 15
As I’m learning about it in the class..
If I’m not going to talk about it then,
Who want..?

this cat don't want..

For this entry,
Let me teach you
‘how to be a winner’
Based on the textbook,
There are 6ways to be a winner..

~ stay current
~ maintain your computer competency
~ develop professional contacts
~develop specialties
~be alert for organization change
~look for innovative opportunities..

How schema I am..??
I believe that we need to develop
Our own specialties so that we are
Going to be competent in our life..

I guess that everyone
wants to be a winner..
So, you need to be differ from others..
And of course you need
To be well-rounded within your own field..
Ok..! I’m not talking about this field..

But the field we expert in..
We need to master something in our life..

=.= am I only dreaming..?

As the technology shifts year by year,
You guys need to change also..
Don’t say that you guys want to be an
Old-school people..! I don’t believe it..
Always try to adapt in the environment..

Don’t stop improving yourself..
As you need to be productive and marketable
For all the time..=p..
Ok2..enough for this entry..
We’ll meet later..
wait for me guys!!


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